Work With Me

Consult With Me 1-On-1 and Find Out How You Might Experience More Joy, More Peace and Sustained Grace & Ease

I have just a few spaces to work 1 on 1 with select people who want to learn incredibly powerful transformation tools.  I only take on a handful of private students throughout the year… 

Will you be one of them?

Whether we have an existing beautiful rapport, or we had a powerful experience meeting in person, or you are being intr oduced to me by someone who believes your life will greatly be enhanced by knowing me, this is perfect start to a transformative friendship.  
I am Sister Moutique, an enthusiastic personal growth and spiritual development teacher and healer. I invite you to book a Discovery Consultation Session so I can be of help.  I am strongly committed to powerfully mirroring you if your desire is to: 
  • master your mindset,
  • manifest true transformation and
  • create an extraordinary SHIFT in your life. 
I personally believe our meeting was not by chance, a coincidence or an accident.  If you would like to explore why our paths have crossed at this time to work together, how my work may impact the rest of your life, and experience an accelerated awareness now, schedule your “1 -On- 1” Discovery Consultation Session today.
This moment is the perfect time for your true transformation.

Here’s to an amazing new friendship and new you!

Can’t wait!

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Extremely Important Before You Schedule Discovery Session (Please Proceed If You Agree To The Following):
y Scheduling a Discovery Consultation Session, I agree to set aside 50 min of uninterrupted time, free of distractions, and be available for a deep dive with Sister Moutique.
To submit a *Fully Transferable Discovery Consultation Session Fee in the amount of $225 USD prior to our Session, ensuring we are both committed to outstanding results in our Conversation for Possibility. 
*FULL TRANSFERABLE TERMS: Oftentimes, in just one session working with Sister Moutique you will gain all the insight, tools and healing needed to transcend any situation, circumstance or life event to vibrationally match your highest expectations and greatest expression.  Still, you can apply by invitation only to continue ongoing work together or register for upcoming programs.
1) If you are selected for 1-on-1 work, this amount will be credited and applied toward the full investment in 1-on-1 work or group mentorship program with Sister Moutique determined before close of Discovery Consultation Call with exception to individual sessions or products distributed by Sister Moutique. 

2) It is my highest intention to be fully present to you, to powerfully mirror you in this introductory experience to Accelerated Awareness Mentoring with me in this safe container, allowing you to authentically show up, assert your truest desires and leave more at peace with a clear trajectory for your personal growth and spiritual development needs.